Grant Opportunities

County Grant Program
County Grants are to be used to enhance current 4-H programming (equipment purchases, education/training, events, etc.) or to fund new programs or projects that will support growth and opportunities for Texas 4-H Youth.
County Grant applications will open October 1, 2024 and are due by December 31, 2024 at 11:59 pm.

Professional Development Grant
The purpose of this grant program is to provide financial assistance for members of TCAAA, TEAFCS, TAE4-HYPD, and TESA pursuing graduate study, educational conferences/seminars, workshops, or other worthy projects.
The applications will open November 5th and the
deadline to submit applications is 11:59 pm on December 5th.

Natural Disaster Relief

Other Grant Opportunities
There are many opportunities for counties, districts, and state 4-H programs to apply for grants outside of the Texas 4-H Foundation.
We are continuously adding grants to this list. If you receive an outside grant, we encourage you to put those funds into your Texas 4-H Foundation account.
If you need 501c3 documentation or any other information for outside grants, please reach out to